Friday, August 4, 2023

Diagnostic Test, busy schedule


"The harder you fall, the heavier your heart; the heavier your heart, the stronger you climb; the stronger you climb, the higher your pedestal"

8D Second period 

It was a Friday. I have two classes in 9 C and 8 D. In 8D i continued the topic Reactions of sodium with water using animated video. Students were very curious and enthusiastic in knowing the reaction between the sodium and water. And using equations i explained the chemistry behind their reactions. And finally gave activity cards to students to fill it. Very interactive and interesting class

Diagnostic Test

It was the day scheduled for class 8D students to conduct Diagnostic test on the chapter Properties of matter.  Initially I have provided the instructions for them. I conducted diagnostic Test consists of 20 questions including true or false, MCQ, fill in the blanks questions, and finally match the following questions also. Students were very nicely attended the diagnostic test. 

Inauguration of Gandhidharshan club

It was the day of inauguration of Gandhidharshan club. The PTA members, Headteachers and teachers and students were presented in the session. 

Eye Test camp

It was the eye test camp for students organised by school health club.we supported the teachers in conducting and organising the session.

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